Ordinary General Meeting

Standing Committee
As of June 20, 2019
Chairman Dr Patrick Poon 潘燊昌 (BSc 1970)
Deputy Chairman Ernest Wong 黃耀傑 (BBA 1991)
Clerk Elaine Liu 廖玉玲 (LLB 1987; PCLL 1988)
*Dr Alex Chan 陳和順 (BSocSc 1985)
Allison Chan 陳思詠 (BSocSc 2000)
King Chan 陳家健 (BA 2001)
*Kitty Chan 陳雪麗 (BA 2003)
Gloria Chang 張韻琪 (BSocSc 2001)
Alan Cheung 張家倫 (BSc 1982)
Terence Cheung 張廣達 (BSocSc 1990)
*Priscilla Chiu 趙潔儀 (BSocSc 1984; MSocSc 1987)
*Dr Bonnie Choy 蔡雅君 (MBBS 2006)
Dr Fu King-wa 傅景華 (BEng-EEE 1993; PhD 2009)
Agnes Ip 葉畹茹 (BBA(Law) 2004, LLB 2005)
Keith Kiu 喬偉鋒 (BEcon 1999)
Alex Lai 賴振鴻 (BSc(Eng) 1985)
*Rachel Lai 黎藹欣 (BSocSc 1995; MPhil 2000)
Dantes Leung 梁泳澤 (LLB 2005, PCLL 2006)
Dr Liu Chun-wah 廖振華 (BSc(Eng)-Mech 1985)*
*Mak Tung-wing 麥東榮 (BA 1988)
*Dr Data Ng 吳卓光 (BSc 2009; PhD 2015)
Fifi Ng 吳秀華 (MIPA 2015)
*Jeffrey Tse 謝海成 (BBA(Acc&Fin) 2003; MEcon 2004)
*Newly elected members
The word “Convocation” comes from the Latin word “convocāre”, meaning “to call/come together.” In history, a synodical assembly of a church is at times called “Convocation.” The most notable Convocations were Canterbury and York. They existed from the 7th century until 1920. In 1660 they approved the Book of Common Prayer, which remains the official prayer book to the Church of England till today.
HKU Convocation has powers set out in its Constitution and prescribed by University statues – including to discuss, to communicate, and to solicit funds for purposes of the University. Full Constitution: convocation.hku.hk
The Standing Committee is exploring ways to exercise its powers responsibly, on behalf of Convocation, to assist the development of our alma mater. We look forward to hearing from you and all members.

An Evening with President Professor Xiang Zhang, on April 3, 2019, was the first Convocation event to be broadcast on Facebook Live. “There was very active participation,” said Convocation Chairman Patrick Poon. “It was a success in real-time communication, and allowed even overseas members to comment on a Hong Kong event live.”