Chengdu Alumni Network
The 5th Anniversary Celebration and High Table Dinner at the Chengdu Wanda Reign Hotel on April 27, 2019 was attended by more than 80 alumni. Speakers included Li Wan-in 李蘊妍(BSocSc(Govt&Laws) 2006), Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Chengdu.

Shanghai Alumni Network
Over 200 alumni joined the High Table Dinner 2019 at the Regal Shanghai East Asia Hotel on March 17, 2019. The Hon Patrick Nip 聶德權 (BSocSc 1986) (right photo), Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs of the HKSAR, was the guest speaker and shared his insights on the development of the Greater Bay Area. Victoria Tang 鄧仲敏 (BSocSc 1982, MBA 1990), Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Shanghai, also attended the dinner.

Homecoming for Mainland Undergraduate Alumni
More than 150 alumni attended a homecoming dinner at Loke Yew Hall on July 7, 2019, organised by the Chinese Students and Scholars Association, Undergraduate Department 香港大學內地本科生聯合會 (CSSAUD). It was the first time in 20 years that a homecoming event was held on HKU campus for Mainland undergraduate alumni.
The guest speakers were Vivian Zhang 張佳文 (BEcon&Fin 2006; LLM(CFL) 2016), HSBC’s Managing Director (Head of Securitisation, China), and Gu Minman 顧旻曼 (BBA(Acc&Fin) 2010, the Principal at ZhenFund.
More than 5,000 undergraduates from the Mainland have studied at HKU since 1999, when the admission scheme for undergraduate students from the Mainland (香港大學內地本科生入學計劃) was launched.