Tips for Young Graduates

Another thing about connecting people together is the message that music brings to the public … for the audience to reflect on the value of life.

Daniel Lei‭ 李梓成
BA Final Year Student, major in Music


David Lau 劉伯偉 (Mentor‭, ‬Court Member‭)‬
Managing Director, J.P. Morgan


Julian Gaertner 易宇航 (BSocSc 2011‭)‬
Start-up Entrepreneur, Producer and Actor of films and TV


Alex Fong 方力申 (BBA(Acc&Fin‭) ‬2004‭)‬
Former HK Olympian; Co-founder of Hong Kong Swimming Academy

不可低估互聯網嘅力量。亦要搵mentor,揾advisor幫你。同學要主動 reach out,HKU 就有不少師兄師姐好肯去幫大家

Rubio Chan 陳成軍 (‬BA 2012‭)‬
GLO Travel Co-founder


Alex Lo‭ 盧勁業 (‬BA 2007‭)‬
Founder of Social Strategy Hong Kong

每日搭車一兩小時,其實也是很珍貴的人生時間。讓同事遙距工作,一個月就賺回40小時 。 做運動也好,睡覺都好,能省去趕回公司的壓力,也有明確的好處。

Ray Chan 陳展程 ( LLB 2006‭)‬
CEO & Co-founder of 9GAG

心態上要 Aim High,開始時會好困難,但作為港大校友,應該有能力喺困難嘅環境,諗點樣可以 Stand Out From the Crowd,對企業有貢獻。

Chan Chi-Kin 陳子堅 (‬BEng(EComE‭) ‬2006‭)‬
Head of Hong Kong & Macau, Tmall World


Cecilia Yeung‭ 楊文蔚 (BBA 2020‭)‬
Professional high jumper and Hong Kong record holder

Everyone is unique, just like everyone else.  We don’t value someone on their click rate or publicity, but on their artistic value

Serrini‭‭ 梁嘉茵 (MA 2015‭; ‬PhD candidate‭)‬


Kyle Leung 梁東瑜 (BBA 2019)
Gööp Co-founder
