Lindsay Ride Sports Centre, named after the 6th Vice-Chancellor Sir Lindsay Ride and opened in 1963, and the Stanley Smith Swimming Pool in 1971 have been the joy and fun, sweat and pain among HKU students for over six decades.  They will be developed into a new landmark campus with multi-faceted and functionally cohesive academic-residential-culture and sports complex. The existing sports facilities will be upgraded and will be expanded across the complex.

1974 – St. John’s Vs Ricci Football Game

1969 – Sir Lindsay Ride (right) presenting HKU Sportsman of the Year Award to Dr York Chow 周一嶽 (MBBS 1971)

1970 – Presentation Day for Interhall Sports Competition

St. John’s College Swimming Gala

Most Liked photos @ Photo Challenge

Lesley Chan 陳文欣 (BEd 2006 ; MEd 2009) first met her husband Linus Lam 林耀宗 (BEng (ME) 2004, MSc(Eng)(IELM) 2008) during a table tennis team recruitment held at Lindsey Ride Sports Centre in 2002. They got married in 2012 and have 2 kids now.

‭(‬left‭) ‬Mr Martin Tam‭ 譚天放 (BArch 1970‭), ‬Chairman of Project Group for the Capital Development Complex at Pokfield Road Site‭; (‬3rd right‭) ‬Ms Bernadette Tsui‭ 徐詠璇 (‬BA 1980‭; ‬MPhil 1984‭), ‬Associate Vice-President‭ (‬Development‭ & ‬Alumni Affairs‭); (‬2nd right‭) ‬Mr Steve Lo‭ 羅哲基 (BSocSc 1981‭), ‬Executive Vice-President‭, ‬Sports teams and alumni at the Farewell Photo Day on September 26‭, ‬2020
